As a Higley School District resident myself, I am fully equipped with the knowledge of the neighborhoods and area to sell your home for top dollar. You want to get the most money out of the sale of your home; and I have a vested interest in keeping up the home values in the district. We are both aiming for the same goal! Best of all, I am able to do this while providing a neighborly discount. Why would I do this? It’s Simple. It’s the right thing to do!
Technology has made listing and selling homes more efficient. My being in the area also reduces my travel time and expenses. The savings should rightfully be passed onto the homeowners. Keeping more of your equity should not, however, mean that you lose service. Therefore, I provide a true FULL Service listing at a fraction of the cost. What exactly is a full-service listing? It’s Simple; You Hire Me…I Handle The Rest!
The discount is simply that, a neighborly discount. There is NO catch.
NO Hidden Fees
NO Requirement To Buy a Home with Me
Although I would love to assist in helping you purchase your new home as well.
NO Upfront Fees
NO Added Marketing Fees
NO Added Costs For Additional Services / Paperwork
Now for the information you really wanted to know. What is the neighborly discount? It’s simple, I provide a 50% reduction in the listing side commission compared to most average agents. You choose how much you want to pay the Buyer Broker*. That means on the average sale price of $500,000, you would save $7,500 in fees!
*Examples above are calculated using the traditional buyer broker fee of 3% of sale price of home.
Contact me and let’s get your home sold!
In the meantime, feel free to check out my Frequently Asked Questions about selling your home.
You can also start Searching for your new home right here on my website.